
Fueling Your Consumers—Beyond the Gas

February 16, 2024 | 5 Minutes Read Time

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With summer—and summer road trips—just a couple of months away, now is the time to review your inventory to make sure your convenience store is in the best position to take advantage of consumer trends. One trend to emerge in 2023—the snack is back and bigger than ever. 

When consumers pull into your station to fuel their vehicles, keep these facts in mind:

•    71 percent of consumers snack at least twice daily. Branded snacks command the lead in preference with 67 percent saying they would buy fewer of their favorite snack brands rather than generic alternatives, regardless of cost. 
•    Packaging matters—7 in 10 consumers say reducing waste is a priority with 72 percent saying they typically recycle their snacks. Consider offering plastic or aluminum recycling at your location if feasible to increase foot traffic from the pump to your store. 
•    Consumers will replace meals with snacks, a habit likely amplified on the summer road trip.
•    Variety matters—consumers want healthy options in addition to beloved salty and sweet favorites. 62 percent of convenience store shoppers feel they are health conscious and express interest in all-natural, locally sourced, and clean label offerings. 

In addition to items, you should stock for summer road trippers—toiletries, sunscreen, automotive supplies, over-the-counter medication—make sure you’re stocked with offerings to take advantage of your customers’ appetites. Sunoco is proud to offer Grub & Co to operators to give them a turnkey, high-margin solution to take advantage of the growing demand for foodservice to satisfy customer cravings.

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